My favorite part of the day were first when the fireman were trying to get the hose into the front door and it was obviously crazy heavy and there were only 2 trucks there at this point and he looked at all of us and asked can i get two or three of you to help; that was all he needed to say - not even 5 seconds later there were at least 25 men in suits pulling the hose into the front door of the church. 2nd were the greatness of the neighboring churches - they were so lovely and Christian - offering a place to wait, to give us a comforting arm and to mourn the historic building we called home.
I must give some props to my blackberry curve - it took all these pictures and for being a phone's camera i must say the pictures are pretty good!
This picture you can see the roof caving in and fire entering the chapel.
They concluded it was an electrical fire that started in the attic above the balcony in the chapel with some exposed wires and had been festering for awhile before any fire alarms went off.
It was quite the Sunday and certainly something i won't forget anytime soon!