I was catching up on some blogs and Autumn has added this awful awful and completly embarassing picture of me from the early 90s. SO i decided to post it on my blog (go figure). These are 3 of my dearest friends growing up - we even made up a nicname for our group of friends - are you ready for it BUBS (German for Choice variety of Babe (and yes i still remember this - silly girls we were)) we felt that it was very very fitting. :) Little did i know how much i was awkwardly not at that stage of my life. Oh well. As we get older i guess we are just able to accept our awkwardness and weaknesses and make improvements since THAT time in our lives.
In my defense of me in this picture (if there can be any) I think we were at my house and i was probably painting - we were doing the very stylish rag affect on the walls in my brothers room - i am pretty sure...
Sorry ladies had to post it again, but just so you can see how these ladies have turned into absolutly georgeous women - here are links to see Afton (ok so i don't have a link for her - she hasn't started a blog yet) Katrina and Rachael.